74 rescued from the hand of enemies, without fear we might worship him 75 in holiness and righteousness before him all our days.
Luke 1
Do you serve God boldly?
Do you serve God boldly, without fear, each and every day? Are you free from concern of what others think? Are you at peace standing for holiness and righteousness in every aspect of life? Are you truly rescued from the hands of your enemy?
This is what God promised through Jesus; strength, peace, holiness, righteousness… Every day of your life! Not just on Sunday, not just at church but everyday, even in our loneliest and darkest hour.
We are rescued for a purpose! To serve Him. Not ourselves, not our friends and family, not even our church. We are to serve God through Jesus. Jesus made it possible for us to walk in righteousness, and for that walk to be bold, devoid of all fear. The price is paid in full. We are free to experience life without worry, without stress, without concern over the evil in the world. We are truly set free by walking in the righteousness of Christ.
Fear is in fact a liar! It tries to convince us that we are not ready, that something must still happen, that we are incapable. But grace says, go for it! Jesus paid it all!
It… is truly finished.
Jesus gives us strength to walk without fear.